Dear Sunwayians,
Meet – Reconnect – Grow
Are you ready to reconnect with your institution, meet old friends, share your ideas, talk about your plans, and more?
Sunway invites you to be a part of the Sunway Alumni Meet 2022, happening this 4th of September.
Come and get a chance to represent yourself and your business at the event and enlarge your business perspectives towards our alumni networks. For any queries and reservations about the event, please contact:
Nisha Gautam, Admission/Business Development Manager: 9823047066
Diwas Pradhan, Training and Placement Co-ordinator: 9801861052
Manish Maharjan, ECA Co-ordinator: 9841594466
We hope you will delight our hearts with your colorful presence. See you soon!
Fill out the form for the reservation
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